To report concerns or issues relating to the roads, highway, faulty lights or fallen trees around the village please use one of the following options. To contact Cumbria Highways use their link below or Highways England using FixMyStreet

You can use FixMyStreet to report all road faults eg, potholes, poor road markings or poor road condition, faulty street lights, fallen trees, flooding, fly-tipping etc.

FixMyStreet links into Highways England and Cumbria Council:-

If you notice it has already been reported please report it again as it shows there is an issue and concern.

You can also upload photos of the issue so if you have your phone handy get snapping!

Cumbria Highways:

Cumbria Council Fault Line: 0300 303 2992

For advice on reporting flooding or blocked drains and a link to their interactve reporting tool, please use the link below or the contact phone number above.

Cumbria Council Flooding and Blocked Drains

Highways England  :- 0300 123 5000 Email: